Product Features
We believe that quality play mats should be as beautiful, functional, and comfortable as they are green. Our Eco-Luxury Padded Play Mats are designed to help you create a space for your family that is all of these things, and more.
Product Features

Non Toxic
Did you know many of play mats on the current market are full of nasty toxic chemicals such as Formamide, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, Lead, heavy metals, VOCs and PVC? Yuck! Do we really want our bubs rolling around on these nasties!? Our skin is the largest human organ and dermal absorption occurs unbeknown daily. Our mats have been tested against the strictest toy standards and Mikro' Australia can proudly say we are certified non-toxic!
Eco Friendly
Thankfully we are all working towards becoming more sustainable consumers in the name of our planet. Many products are harming our flora, fauna and the beautiful planet Earth, that we call home. Our Play Mats are 100% free of PVC meaning they are much more environmentally friendly in their production and disposal. We believe using TPU is a positive step away from toxic PVC. A healthier choice for our planet.
Easy Clean
No way!! But it's true!! No need to wrestle with buttons, zips, washing machines or laundry basins. MIKRO' Australia Play Mats are 100% wipeable. A simple wipe with warm water for milk spills, vomit, glue, paint, food, the dreaded play dough or even poop, yep, we said it!
Ever wondered how much bacteria, dust and germs your carpets, couches or fabric surfaces at home may contain? The thought alone is cringe worthy and not surprising Doctors recommend the removal of carpets in homes of children with Asthma. Throw in shoes that have walked on average 7,400 steps per day, entering your home where newly crawling babies make contact with continuously … you start to feel the germ bubble appear vividly before you! Exhale there Mumma/Dadda… we do have a soultion! Our easy clean Play Mats combat germs and bacteria, keeping an antibacterial surface readily available for our little ones to play and eat off. Phew!
Waterproof and Durable
Our Play Mats have a thick outer coating for extra durability. It not only means spills pool visibly on the surface but also eliminates teeth marks and toy dents, Making it ideal for everyday baby life but also arts and crafts with older kids! As teachers we value Sensory Play and promote the use of play dough, slime, small world and fine motor play. If you haven’t already visited our Sensory Play page please do for some Play Mat friendly recipes to use on these amazing Waterproof, durable surfaces. I promise cleaning is a game changer!
How fab would this be in your play room!?
Bumps, falls, gymnastics along the couch, flying toys... Sounds familiar doesn't it? Our Play Mats have been designed with families in mind. We can't wrap them in cotton wool forever but we can create safe learning environments whilst they are a million miles a minute. Our mats provide a super soft cloud like surface that increases comfort during tummy time; for the newborn, supports growing knees and wrists; for the crawler and absorbs impact; for the falling toddler. Beyond the early milestones these super soft mats are perfect for wrestling matches with Dad or story time with Mum, the Mikro’ play mat provides a cloud like surface for all ages.
Mikro’ Australia collaborated with fellow mums to determine what families really wanted out of a play mat. Some said it needed to blend with the existing décor. Others wanted a play mat that added character to their playrooms or nurseries without those over stimulating primary colours. So we decided to combine both and give you a reversible option. Why have one design when you can have two! Our designs are subtle, sophisticated and modern, what’s not to love! The only problem is which side you will choose.
Mikro’ Play Mats are lightweight making them easy to swiftly shift from room to room. Multitasking made just that tiny bit easier! Out the back for some gardening or in the study while you pay bills... move with one hand whilst baby is on the hip. Each Play Mat comes with a set of thick quality elastic straps enabling for a quick roll and strap in order to commute it on holidays or to Nan and pops for sleep overs. A cotton carry bag is also an optional extra to keep it germ free and clean when not in use. A light mat for seriously heavy fun!
Being mums ourselves we know how costly these tiny little beings can be. We have worked hard to ensure we are sourcing the best manufactures, transport compamies and logistic staff to minimise outgoings and in turn bring a reasonably priced product to fellow parents.
Three Sizes
Available in three convenient sizes- Small (1m x 1.4m), Round (1.4m in diameter) and Family (2m x 1.4m). Whether you are after the perfect play mat for a small space, larger for the playroom or living room, or a shape that is certain to create a wow factor, each size will compliment your home décor. All sizes are quick and easy to roll up, using our branded elastic straps. Making tummy time easy to check off at the gym, playgroup or grandparents’ house.